
A guide to renovating the south bend lathe pdf
A guide to renovating the south bend lathe pdf

a guide to renovating the south bend lathe pdf

The typeface of the manual is printed two points larger than normal for those of us who prefer to work at the bench without reading glasses. There is a section on refinishing industrial machinery plus a guide on how to handle special fasteners like taper pins. Additional infomation is included for evaluating and purchasing a used SBL if you are not lucky enough to already own one. The manual has specific chapters dedicated to both the single tumbler and double tumbler style of gearbox. The basic design of the industrial series of lathes was essentially the same except for the scale so the 10L and 13" lathes are primarily used for demonstration purposes in the manual but all steps will apply directly to the 14.5" and 16" lathes as well. The details include the sequence for disassembling, cleaning, reassembling and adjusting the critical components of the heavy 10, 13", 14 1/2" and 16" industrial lathes. Our book takes the guess work out of what to do if you find one and decide to purchase. Even though South Bend ceased production of these fine quality lathes years ago, there are still thousands of servicable lathes sitting out there in home shops, small businesses, schools and machinery dealers. Our book was painstakingly produced over the last two years specifically with the South Bend Lathe owner in mind and it addresses the most commonly asked questions and methods for how to renovate a used lathe.

a guide to renovating the south bend lathe pdf

As you will notice, this is NOT a fuzzy Xerox reprint of an existing manual. The manual is a bound 8.5" x 11" soft cover, 156 pages in length and is fully illustrated with over 450 B&W photographs plus step-by-step instructions for refurbishing your lathe. Introducing a new publication for the South Bend Lathe enthusiast from ILION Industrial Services: A Guide to Renovating the South Bend Lathe for Models 10L and 10R (known as the Heavy 10), 13" 14.5" and 16". Download A Guide to Renovating the South Bend Lathe Models 10L 13 14 1 2 16 Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

A guide to renovating the south bend lathe pdf